C-TECH’s mental health services are designed to respond to the mental health needs of MOHW staff by providing counselling support, mental health digital solutions, on-demand in-person support services and daily wellbeing tips. The program is open to all health and social care staff, however, healthcare workers involved in HIV treatment, care and support will be specifically targeted. You can self-refer or refer a colleague (with their consent). The service is confidential and free of charge for all health and social care staff.
C-TECH has supported more than 860 healthcare professionals in Jamaica and the O.E.C.S. through its project activities, one of which is its monthly mental health & wellness webinar. The webinars are geared towards offering support through psychoeducation on a range of topics to develop and improve one’s coping skills and strategies in dealing with the many stressors brought on by the daily demands of our health force. It provides a space in which you are free to express yourself and receive feedback, whilst building a network of support with people of common interest.
C-TECH offers free, confidential, and accessible therapeutic support to healthcare workers. A mental health professional will collaborate with you to enhance resilience and manage mental health challenges. Book an appointment today and get back on track with good mental health.
C-TECH helps healthcare workers find resources and support to manage burnout and maintain good mental health during these challenging times.
C-TECH provides access to job aids to help prepare healthcare workers to provide high-quality, comprehensive HIV care and treatment services with the aim of improving health outcomes.