Quality Improvement
At C-Tech, we are committed to the development and delivery of high-impact interventions that improve critical health services. We do this by actively integrating Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) methods in our service delivery. Continuous Quality improvement (CQI) seeks to improve the quality of health care (as measured by a specific indicator) by identifying performance gaps, testing ideas to address the gaps, and using the data to rapidly develop and implement improvements that lead to sustainable change.
The quality improvement work provided through C-TECH brings together multidisciplinary teams from twenty-eight (28) treatment sites across the Island to work together towards a common goal. These teams are supported to implement CQI activities that improve health systems, including Viral Load (VL) testing, differentiated care strategies and virologic suppression monitoring. Our teams apply Quality Improvement (QI) methods to identify barriers to antiretroviral therapy (ART) monitoring as well as barriers preventing the achievement of virologic suppression.
C-TECH also provides technical assistance towards strengthening the health systems of the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW) in the following ways:
- Test strategies to ensure VL tests are ordered according to national standards and guidelines;
- Support the early identification of patients who are unsuppressed and provide the needed interventions;
- Streamline communication between treatment centres and laboratories;
- Shorten turnaround times between testing and results;
- Facilitate the use of VL testing to improve patient care.
Successful changes are then “hardwired” or incorporated into standardized clinical practice.
C-Tech is oriented to a system of collaboration and continuous improvement of our Quality Improvement (QI) Teams. QI Teams participate in learning sessions where they: 1) receive training in new and emerging quality improvement methods, 2) support and facilitate knowledge sharing of change concepts and results and 3) engage in a healthy exchange of ideas, practical know-how and good practices to inform and guide planning of upcoming improvement initiative within the health system. Additionally, QI teams receive coaching from trained QI Coaches, participate in webinars, use Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycles to test change ideas, and track data.